WHO SMART Guidelines - HIV
0.4.3 - ci-build

WHO SMART Guidelines - HIV - Local Development build (v0.4.3) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Artifact Index

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Knowledge Artifacts: Activity Definitions

These define activities that can be performed as part of content in this implementation guide.

HIV.B9.DT Schedule Follow-up Test

Schedule Follow-up Test


CommunicationRequest to provide HIV Guidance to practitioner

Knowledge Artifacts: Plan Definitions

These define workflows, rules, strategies, or protocols as part of content in this implementation guide.

HIV.B2.DT Check for signs of serious illness

Check for signs of serious illness

HIV.B9.DT Determine retest recommendation

HIV restesting recommendations

HIV.C23.DT Determine PEP or PrEP regimen

Determine PEP or PrEP regimen

HIV.C7.DT Check for signs of serious illness

Check for signs of serious illness

HIV.D12.Determine recommended screenings and tests

Determine recommended screenings and tests

HIV.D4.DT TB Screening Decision Tables

Screen for TB using one of three algorithms

PlanDefinition - Care and treatment clinical visit

To initiate ART and to provide HIV care, treatment and integrated health services

PlanDefinition - HIV.A. Registration

To ensure client is found in the record system and personal details are updated or, if not located, entered into the system to be put into a queue awaiting counselling.

PlanDefinition - HiV Testing

To diagnose individuals with HIV and facilitate their engagement in care and ART as early as possible, as well as to counsel HIV-negative clients and link them to prevention and other services

PlanDefinition - PrEP Visit

To provide the client with PrEP as a prevention choice for people at elevated risk for HIV acquisition, as part of a combination of HIV prevention approaches, and during a clinic visit. Fig. 10 shows the flow of the PrEP visit proces

Knowledge Artifacts: Libraries

These define logic, asset collections and other libraries as part of content in this implementation guide.

HIV.B2.DT Logic

HIV.B2.DT Logic

HIV.B7.DT Logic

Description not yet available for HIV.B7.DT Logic.

HIV.B9.DT Logic

HIV.B9.DT Logic

HIV.C23.DT Logic

HIV.C23.DT Logic

HIV.C7.DT Logic

HIV.C7.DT Logic

HIV.D12.DT Logic

HIV.D12.DT Logic

HIV.D4.DT Logic

HIV.D4.DT Logic

HIV.IND.11 Logic

% of opioid dependent people receiving opioid agonist maintenance treatment (OAMT) at a specified date

HIV.IND.12 Logic

% of person-years of follow-up (PYFU) on OAMT among opioid dependent people

HIV.IND.13 Logic

% of OAMT recipients who received treatment for at least six months

HIV.IND.14 Logic

% of OAMT recipients receiving a maintenance dose greater than or equal to the recommended minimum dose

HIV.IND.15 Logic

Total number of voluntary medical male circumcisions (VMMCs) performed according to national standard during the reporting period

HIV.IND.16 Logic

a) Number or (b) % of adverse events during the reporting period

HIV.IND.18 Logic

Number and % of people living with HIV who know their HIV status

HIV.IND.19 Logic

Number of HIV tests performed (volume) and the % of HIV-positive results returned to people (positivity)

HIV.IND.2 Logic

Number of people who received PrEP at least once during the reporting period

HIV.IND.20 Logic

% testing positive among people who received an HIV test in the reporting period

HIV.IND.21 Logic

% of people newly diagnosed with HIV initiated on ART

HIV.IND.22 Logic

Number of people who were identified and tested using partner testing services and who received their results

HIV.IND.24 Logic

Among those testing HIV-negative and identified as being at elevated risk for HIV acquisition, % of people who receive an HIV prevention intervention within defined period

HIV.IND.25 Logic

% of people testing HIV-negative who tested again within a defined period of time after their previous test

HIV.IND.27 Logic

Number and % of people on ART among all people living with HIV at the end of the reporting period

HIV.IND.28 Logic

Number and % of people living with HIV on ART at the end of the last reporting period and those newly initiating ART during the current reporting period who were not on ART at the end of the current reporting period

HIV.IND.29 Logic

% of people living with HIV on ART (for at least six months) who have virological suppression

HIV.IND.3 Logic

% of people prescribed PrEP among those identified as being at elevated risk for HIV acquisition

HIV.IND.30 Logic

Number of people living with HIV who initiated ART

HIV.IND.31 Logic

% of people living with HIV who initiate ART with a CD4 count of <200 cells/mm3

HIV.IND.32 Logic

% of people living with HIV on ART (for at least six months) with viral load test results

HIV.IND.33 Logic

Number and % of people living with HIV on ART who had a viral load result reviewed by six months after initiation of ART

HIV.IND.34 Logic

% of people living with HIV receiving ART with VL ≥1000 copies/mL who received a follow-up viral load test within three months

HIV.IND.35 Logic

% of ART patients with treatment-limiting ARV toxicity

HIV.IND.37 Logic

% of HIV-positive pregnant women who are virally suppressed at labour and delivery

HIV.IND.38 Logic

% of HIV-exposed infants who receive a virological test for HIV within two months (and 12 months) of birth

HIV.IND.39 Logic

% of HIV-exposed infants who initiated ARV prophylaxis

HIV.IND.4 Logic

Total volume of PrEP product prescribed

HIV.IND.40 Logic

% of HIV-positive pregnant women who received ART during pregnancy and/or at labour and delivery

HIV.IND.41 Logic

% of HIV-exposed breastfeeding infants whose mothers are receiving ART at 12 (and 24 months) postpartum

HIV.IND.42 Logic

% of HIV-exposed infants whose final HIV outcome status is known

HIV.IND.43 Logic

% of pregnant women who are HIV-positive at the time of their first test during the current pregnancy

HIV.IND.44 Logic

Number and % of eligible people living with HIV on ART who initiated TB preventive treatment

HIV.IND.45 Logic

Number and % of people living with HIV on ART who completed a course of TB preventive treatment among those who initiated TPT

HIV.IND.46 Logic

% of people living with HIV with TB symptoms who receive a rapid molecular test, for example, Xpert MTB/RIF, as a first test for diagnosis of TB

HIV.IND.47 Logic

% of people living with HIV newly initiated on ART who have active TB disease

HIV.IND.48 Logic

% of people living with HIV newly initiated on ART who were screened for TB

HIV.IND.49 Logic

% of people living with HIV newly initiated on ART who were screened for TB symptoms and who screened positive

HIV.IND.5 Logic

Number of people prescribed PEP during the reporting period

HIV.IND.50 Logic

% of people living with HIV newly initiated on ART and screened positive for TB symptoms who then are tested for TB

HIV.IND.51 Logic

% of people living with HIV newly initiated on ART and tested for TB who are diagnosed with active TB disease

HIV.IND.52 Logic

% of people living with HIV newly initiated on ART and diagnosed with active TB who initiated TB treatment

HIV.IND.53 Logic

% of people living with HIV and On ART who are receiving multi-month dispensing of ARV medicine during the reporting period

HIV.IND.54 Logic

% of people newly enrolled in DSD ART models among those eligible

HIV.IND.55 Logic

% of people living with HIV enrolled in DSD ART models among those eligible for DSD ART (for facilities with electronic HIS) or among people living with HIV On ART (facilities with paper-based systems) during the reporting period

HIV.IND.56 Logic

% of people retained in DSD ART models during the reporting period

HIV.IND.57 Logic

% of people living with HIV engaged in DSD ART models who have virological suppression

HIV.IND.58 Logic

% of people attending HIV prevention services who were tested for syphilis during the reporting period

HIV.IND.59 Logic

% of people living with HIV who were tested for syphilis during the reporting period

HIV.IND.6 Logic

% of PEP recipients completing PEP course

HIV.IND.60 Logic

% of pregnant women who were tested for syphilis on first ANC services visit during the reporting period

HIV.IND.61 Logic

% of pregnant women who were tested for syphilis on any ANC visit during the reporting period

HIV.IND.62 Logic

% of people attending HIV prevention services who were tested for syphilis and had a positive syphilis test result during the reporting period

HIV.IND.63 Logic

% of people living with HIV who were tested for syphilis and had a positive syphilis test result during the reporting period

HIV.IND.64 Logic

% of pregnant women who tested positive for syphilis during first ANC services visit in the reporting period

HIV.IND.65 Logic

% of pregnant women who tested positive for syphilis during the reporting period

HIV.IND.66 Logic

% of people attending HIV prevention services tested positive for syphilis who were treated based on national guidelines during the reporting period

HIV.IND.67 Logic

% of people living with HIV tested positive for syphilis who were treated based on national guidelines during the reporting period

HIV.IND.68 Logic

% of pregnant women tested positive for syphilis on first ANC services visit who were treated based on national guidelines during the reporting period

HIV.IND.69 Logic

% of pregnant women who tested positive for syphilis who were treated based on national guidelines during the reporting period

HIV.IND.7 Logic

% of PEP recipients testing HIV-positive three months after PEP was prescribed

HIV.IND.70 Logic

% of people attending HIV prevention services tested for gonorrhoea during the reporting period

HIV.IND.71 Logic

% of people living with HIV tested for gonorrhoea during the reporting period

HIV.IND.72 Logic

% of people who tested positive for gonorrhoea during the reporting period

HIV.IND.73 Logic

% of people living with HIV who tested positive for gonorrhoea during the reporting period

HIV.IND.74 Logic

% of people attending HIV prevention services tested positive for gonorrhoea who were treated based on national guidelines during the reporting period

HIV.IND.75 Logic

% of people living with HIV tested positive for gonorrhoea who were treated based on national guidelines during the reporting period

HIV.IND.76 Logic

% of people attending HIV prevention services diagnosed with a particular STI syndrome during the reporting period

HIV.IND.77 Logic

% of people living with HIV diagnosed with a particular STI syndrome during the reporting period

HIV.IND.78 Logic

% of people attending HIV prevention services diagnosed with a particular STI syndrome who were diagnosed with the same STI syndrome two or more times during the reporting period

HIV.IND.79 Logic

% of people living with HIV diagnosed with a particular STI syndrome who were diagnosed with the same STI syndrome two or more times during the reporting period

HIV.IND.8 Logic

% of people who inject drugs provided with needles-syringes during the reporting period

HIV.IND.80 Logic

% of people attending HIV prevention services who were tested for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) during the reporting period (laboratory-based test or rapid test)

HIV.IND.81 Logic

% of people living with HIV who were tested for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) during the reporting period (laboratory-based test or rapid test)

HIV.IND.82 Logic

% of pregnant women who were tested for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) during the reporting period (laboratory-based test or rapid test)

HIV.IND.83 Logic

% of people attending HIV prevention services who were tested for HCV (HCV antibody, HCV RNA or HCV core antigen) during the reporting period (laboratory-based test or rapid test)

HIV.IND.84 Logic

% of people living with HIV who were tested for HCV (HCV antibody, HCV RNA or HCV core antigen) during the reporting period (laboratory-based test or rapid test)

HIV.IND.85 Logic

Percentage of people attending HIV prevention services who were tested for HBsAg and had a positive HBsAg test during the reporting period

HIV.IND.86 Logic

Percentage of people living with HIV who were tested for HBsAg and had a positive HBsAg test during the reporting period

HIV.IND.87 Logic

Percentage of pregnant women who were tested for HBsAg and had a positive HBsAg test during the reporting period

HIV.IND.88 Logic

% of people attending HIV prevention services with a positive HCV test result (HCV antibody, HCV RNA (PCR) or HCV core antigen) during the reporting period

HIV.IND.89 Logic

% of people living with HIV with a positive HCV test result (HCV antibody, HCV RNA (PCR) or HCV core antigen) during the reporting period

HIV.IND.9 Logic

% of people who inject drugs accessing a needle-syringe programme (NSP) at least once per month during the reporting period

HIV.IND.90 Logic

% of people living with HIV and diagnosed with HBV infection who are on TDF-based ART

HIV.IND.91 Logic

% of people living with HIV and diagnosed with HCV infection who initiated HCV treatment (direct acting antivirals) during the reporting period

HIV.IND.92 Logic

% of people living with HIV and co-infected with HCV who were confirmed to be cured of HCV during the reporting period

HIV.IND.93 Logic

Number of women living with HIV who were screened for cervical cancer using any screening test

HIV.IND.94 Logic

% of women living with HIV who screened positive for pre-invasive cervical disease and received treatment for it

HIV.IND.95 Logic

% of women living with HIV diagnosed with invasive cancer who were treated

HIV.IND.96 Logic

Crude probability of surviving 1 year after a diagnosis of cervical cancer


Description not yet available for HIVCommon.


Description not yet available for HIVConcepts.


Description not yet available for HIVConceptsCustom.


Description not yet available for HIVConfig.


Description not yet available for HIVElements.


Description not yet available for HIVEncounterElements.


Description not yet available for HIVIndicatorElements.


Description not yet available for WHOCommon.


Description not yet available for WHOConcepts.


Description not yet available for WHOElements.


Description not yet available for WHOEncounterElements.

Structures: Logical Models

These define data models that represent the domain covered by this implementation guide in more business-friendly terms than the underlying FHIR resources.

HIV.A Registration

This tab describes the data that are collected during the registration workflow (HIV.A)

HIV.B HTS visit

This tab describes the data that are collected during the HIV Testing services visit workflow (HIV.B)

HIV.C PrEP visit

This tab describes the data that may be collected during the pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) or post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) workflow (HIV.C)


This tab describes data about a facility or region that are used in workflows and decision logic (i.e. WHO recommendations depend upon these data elements), but are not specific to an individual (e.g. a high HIV burden setting)

HIV.D Care-Treatment

This tab describes the data that may be collected during care and treatment clinical visit for HIV workflow (HIV.D)


This tab describes the data that may be collected during care and treatment clinical visit for HIV/TB care (HIV.D)


This tab describes the data that are collected relevant to HIV care and treatment of pregnant and postpartum women and their newborns during the delivery and postpartum care and the infant diagnosis and final HIV status workflows (HIV.E and HIV.F)

HIV.G Diagnostics

This tab describes the data that are collected during the workflow for diagnostics for HIV (HIV.G)

HIV.H Follow-up

This tab describes the data that are collected during the follow-up and contacting clients workflow (HIV.H)

HIV.I Referral

This tab describes the data that are collected during the referral workflow (HIV.I)


This tab describes the data that are collected during HIV prevention activities (not covered in the previous business processes)


This tab describes the data that are collected during case surveillance (these data elements are drawn from other tabs and do not include data element IDs).

Structures: Questionnaires

These define forms used by systems conforming to this implementation guide to capture or expose data to end users.

Assess for vaccine-preventable diseases

Questionnaire for assess for vaccine-preventable diseases

Attempt to locate client

Questionnaire for attempt to locate client

Capture or update client history

Questionnaire for capture or update client history

Capture or update client history

Questionnaire for capture or update client history

Capture or update client history

Questionnaire for capture or update client history

Capture or update infant's/child's history

Questionnaire for capture or update infant's/child's history

Capture or update mother's history

Questionnaire for capture or update mother's history

Check for signs of serious illness

Questionnaire for check for signs of serious illness

Check for signs of treatment failure

Questionnaire for check for signs of treatment failure

Check whether infant/child had HIV exposure

Questionnaire for check whether infant/child had HIV exposure


Questionnaire for counsel

Counsel on risk and prevention

Questionnaire for counsel on risk and prevention

Counsel returning client

Questionnaire for counsel returning client

Create new client record

Questionnaire for create new client record

Determine clinical stage of HIV

Questionnaire for determine clinical stage of HIV

Determine reason for visit

Questionnaire for determine reason for visit

Determine reason for visit

Questionnaire for determine reason for visit

Determine reason for visit

Questionnaire for determine reason for visit

Determine recommended screenings and tests

Questionnaire for determine recommended screenings and tests

Determine recommended services

Questionnaire for determine recommended services

Determine recommended tests

Questionnaire for determine recommended tests

Determine regimen and treatment options

Questionnaire for determine regimen and treatment options


Questionnaire for diagnostics


Questionnaire for diagnostics

Emergency referral?

Questionnaire for emergency referral?

Following up and contacting clients

Questionnaire for following up and contacting clients

Gather client details

Questionnaire for gather client details

Identify client for follow-up

Questionnaire for identify client for follow-up

Immediately start infant on ART

Questionnaire for immediately start infant on ART

Offer other services

Questionnaire for offer other services

Offer prevention options

Questionnaire for offer prevention options

Offer sexual and reproductive health services

Questionnaire for offer sexual and reproductive health services

Offer sexual and reproductive health services

Questionnaire for offer sexual and reproductive health services

Offer voluntary partner and family services

Questionnaire for offer voluntary partner and family services

Perform other screenings

Questionnaire for perform other screenings

Post-test package of services

Questionnaire for post-test package of services


Questionnaire for prescribe


Questionnaire for prescribe

Prescribe or administer PrEP or PEP

Questionnaire for prescribe or administer PrEP or PEP

Prevent, screen, and manage comorbidities and coinfections

Questionnaire for prevent, screen, and manage comorbidities and coinfections

Provide information to referral facility

Questionnaire for provide information to referral facility

Provide post-test counselling

Questionnaire for provide post-test counselling

Provide voluntary partner and family services

Questionnaire for provide voluntary partner and family services

Record infant's/child's final HIV diagnosis

Questionnaire for record infant's/child's final HIV diagnosis

Record outreach and result

Questionnaire for record outreach and result

Review sociodemographic data with client

Questionnaire for review sociodemographic data with client

Schedule follow-up

Questionnaire for schedule follow-up

Schedule follow-up

Questionnaire for schedule follow-up

Schedule retest

Questionnaire for schedule retest

Screen for TB

Questionnaire for screen for TB

Suitable for PrEP or PEP?

Questionnaire for suitable for PrEP or PEP?

Take vital signs

Questionnaire for take vital signs

Take vital signs

Questionnaire for take vital signs

Test for HIV using testing algorithm

Questionnaire for test for HIV using testing algorithm

Test infant/child for HIV using testing algorithm

Questionnaire for test infant/child for HIV using testing algorithm

Test mother for HIV using testing algorithm

Questionnaire for test mother for HIV using testing algorithm

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

ANC Encounter

Client encounter for Antenatal care services

ART Episode of Care

ART Episode of Care

Alternative PEP Backbone Prescription

A profile for MedicationRequest representing an alternative PEP backbone prescription.

Alternative Third PEP Prescription

A profile for MedicationRequest representing an alternative Third PEP drug choice prescription.

Alternative Third PEP Treatment

A profile for MedicationRequest representing the alternative third PEP drug choice prescription.

Art Regimen

ART Regimen

Cervical Cancer Screening

Profile for documenting cervical cancer screening.

Child Delivery Observation

Represents an observation indicating a child was delivered, including date/time and place of delivery.

Current PrEP Regimen Prescription

A profile for MedicationRequest representing a prescription of a current PrEP regimen.

Elevated HIV Acquisition Risk Condition

A profile for a condition representing an elevated risk for HIV acquisition.

Elevated HIV Risk Acquisition Condition

A condition identifying patients at elevated risk for HIV acquisition.

Gonorrhoea Test

A DAK-specific Gonnorhoea test observation with possible results

Gonorrhoea Treatment

Gonorrhoea Treatment

HBsAg Test

A DAK-specific Hepatitis B virus test observation with possible results

HBsAg Test

A DAK-specific Hepatitis B virus test observation with possible results

HCV Test

A DAK-specific Hepatitis C test observation with possible results

HCV Test

A DAK-specific Hepatitis C test observation with possible results

HCV Treatment

HCV Treatment Regimen

HCV Viral Load Test

HCV Viral Load Test Profile

HIV Condition

Core profile for HIV IG Conditions

HIV Encounter

Client encounter for HIV-related services

HIV Lab Test Specimen

A profile of HIV Lab Test Specimen

HIV Prevention Intervention

HIV prevention intervention

HIV Status Condition

A condition representing a patient's HIV status.

HIV Status Observation

An observation representing a patient's HIV status.

HIV Test

An DAK-specific HIV test observation with possible results

HIV Treatment Medication Statement

Core profile for HIV IG Treatment Medication Statments

HIV Treatment Medication Statement

Core profile for HIV IG Treatment Medication Statments

HIV Treatment Procedure

Core profile for HIV IG Treatment Procedures

HIV patient Profile

Profile for patients requiring gender, date of birth, and geographic region.

HTS Visit

Encounter for HIV testing services visit

Hepatitis C Viral Load Result

Hepatitis C viral load result

Hiv Lab Test Observation

Hiv Lab Test Observation Profile

Hiv Lab Test ServiceRequest

Hiv Lab Test ServiceRequest profile

Hiv Vmmc AdverseEvent

An adverse event related to voluntary medical male circumcision

Infant Patient Profile

Sub-profile of Patient specifically for infants.

Invasive Cervical Cancer Diagnosis

Invasive cervical cancer diagnosis

Invasive Cervical Cancer Treatment

Invasive cervical cancer treatment

Mother Patient Profile

Sub-profile of Patient for delivering mothers.

On ART Medication Statement

A medication statement describing a Patient's ART program

Opioid Agonist Maintenance Treatment (OAMT)

Episode of care for opioid agonist maintenance treatment (OAMT)

Opioid Agonist Maintenance Treatment (OAMT)

Medication Request for opioid agonist maintenance treatment (OAMT)

Patient Key Population Status

An observation describing Patient's key population status

PrEP Product Prescription

A profile for MedicationRequest representing a prescription of a PrEP product.

Preferred PEP Backbone Prescription

A profile for MedicationRequest representing a preferred PEP backbone prescription.

Preferred PEP Backbone Treatment

A profile for MedicationRequest representing a preferred PEP backbone prescription.

Preferred Third PEP Treatment

A profile for MedicationRequest representing the preferred third PEP drug choice prescription.

Pregnancy Condition

A condition to indicate that a patient is pregnant

STI / Syndrome Diagnosis Condition

A condition to indicate that a patient has been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or syndrome

STI Services

STI Services

Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) Procedure

Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) procedure

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

ART regimen ValueSet

Value set of list of ART regimens

ART regimen composition ValueSet

Value set of drug composition of client's current ART regimen

ART regimen drug class ValueSet

Value set of drug class of current ART regimen

ART regimen prescribed ValueSet


ART start type ValueSet

Value set of whether the client is ART naive or is restarting ART

ARV drug regimen received prior to enrolment ValueSet

Value set of aRV drug regimen received prior to enrolment into HIV care/ART

Acute HIV infection symptoms ValueSet

Value set of symptoms that could suggest an acute HIV infection

Administrative Area ValueSet

Value set of this should be a context-specific list of administrative areas, such as villages, districts, etc. The purpose of this data element is to allow for grouping and flagging of client data to a particular facility's catchment area. This can be input into the system by the end user OR it can be automated in the database based on the end user's attributes.

Adverse event severity ValueSet

Value set of severity of the adverse event associated with voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) procedure

Allergies ValueSet

Value set of does the client have any allergies?

Alternative PEP backbone regimen ValueSet

Value set of alternative backbone regimen for PEP

Alternative first-line ART regimen ValueSet

Value set of the alternative first-line ART regimen for the client according to WHO (or national) guidelines

Alternative second-line ART regimen ValueSet

Value set of the alternative second-line ART regimen for the client according to WHO (or national) guidelines

Alternative third PEP drug ValueSet

Value set of alternative third drug for PEP

Antiretroviral (ARV) drugs received prior to enrolment ValueSet

Value set of whether or not the client received ARV drugs prior to enrolling into HIV care

Assay number in testing strategy ValueSet

Value set of the number of the assay (test kit) in the HIV testing strategy

Assay number in testing strategy ValueSet

Value set of the number of the assay (test kit) in the HIV testing strategy

Asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) test result ValueSet

Value set of result of urine culture (or urine Gram-staining if not available over dipstick tests) for diagnosing asymptomatic bacteriuria

Blood group and Rh factor ValueSet

Value set of mother's blood type and blood Rh factor

Cause of death of infant ValueSet

Value set of the infant's cause of death

Cause of death of mother ValueSet

Value set of the woman's cause of death

Cervical cancer colposcopy result ValueSet

Value set of result of cervical cancer colposcopy

Cervical cancer diagnosis ValueSet

Value set of type of cervical cancer diagnosis

Cervical cancer histopathology result ValueSet

Value set of result of cervical cancer histopathology

Cervical cancer primary screening test type ValueSet

Value set of type of cervical cancer screening test used in primary screening

Cervical cancer screening outcome ValueSet

Value set of client's screening outcome for cervical cancer

Cervical cancer stage at diagnosis ValueSet

Value set of cervical cancer stage at diagnosis of cervical cancer

Cervical cancer triage test type ValueSet

Value set of type of triage test for cervical cancer

Cervical cytology screening test result ValueSet

Value set of screening result for cervical cytology

Chlamydia trachomatis test type ValueSet

Value set of type of diagnostic test used for Chlamydia trachomatis

Chlamydia trachomatis test type ValueSet

Value set of type of diagnostic test used for Chlamydia trachomatis

Clinical stage at start of ART ValueSet

Value set of wHO clinical stage of client based on signs and symptoms at start of ART

Coinfection status at ART start ValueSet

Value set of clients status of coinfections at the time when ART was initiated

Communication preference(s) ValueSet

Value set of how the client would like to receive family planning communications

Condom type ValueSet

Value set of type of condom provided to client

Confirmatory STI test result ValueSet

Value set of result from confirmatory STI test

Confirmatory STI test result ValueSet

Value set of result from confirmatory STI test

Confirmatory syphilis test type ValueSet

Value set of type of test ued for confirmatory syphilis test

Confirmatory syphilis test type ValueSet

Value set of type of test ued for confirmatory syphilis test

Contact method ValueSet

Value set of method used to try to reach out to the client

Contraindications to PrEP usage ValueSet

Value set of listing of contraindications to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)

Counselling provided ValueSet

Value set of whether counselling was provided to a client during the visit

Country of birth ValueSet

Value set of country where the client was born

Current ART regimen (first-, second-, or third-line) ValueSet

Value set of aRT regimen for treating clients living with HIV, based on national guidance

Current ART regimen ValueSet

Value set of the current ART regimen the client is taking

Current PrEP regimen ValueSet

Value set of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) regimen

Current medications ValueSet

Value set of list of all of the medications the client is currently taking

DSD ART model(s) ValueSet

Value set of type of DSD ART model client is enrolled in (country-specific)

Delivery mode ValueSet

Value set of mode of delivery for current pregnancy

Disease targeted ValueSet

Value set of vaccine preventable disease being targeted by vaccine administered

EID sample number ValueSet

Value set of early infant diagnosis (EID) sample number

EID test number 1 test result ValueSet

Value set of early infant diagnosis test number 1 test result

EID test number 2 test result ValueSet

Value set of early infant diagnosis test number 2 test result

EID test number ValueSet

Value set of early infant diagnosis (EID) HIV test number using the same sample

Entry point for community-level testing ValueSet

Value set of specific point in the community where testing is happening

Entry point for facility-level testing ValueSet

Value set of specific point where testing is happening at a facility

Entry point for facility-level testing ValueSet

Value set of specific point where testing is happening at a facility

Existing chronic health conditions ValueSet

Value set of does the client have any current chronic health conditions or problems?

Experience with PrEP ValueSet

Value set of the client's experience in taking PrEP

Facility transferred from ValueSet

Value set of name of health facility client was transferred from

Facility where client first enrolled in HIV care ValueSet

Value set of facility where the client first enrolled in HIV care

Family planning method used ValueSet

Value set of method the client reports currently using at intake

Final diagnosis of HIV-exposed infant ValueSet

Value set of HIV-exposed infant final status at 18 months or 3 months after cessation of breastfeeding (whichever is later).

First-line ART regimen under special circumstances ValueSet

Value set of the first-line ART regimen for the client under special circumstances according to WHO (or national) guidelines

Gender ValueSet

Value set of gender of the client

Gender of infant ValueSet

Value set of gender of the infant

General care activities recommended ValueSet

Value set of general care activities to be performed during the care visit

Gonorrhoea test result ValueSet

Value set of result from Gonorrhoea test

Gonorrhoea test result ValueSet

Value set of result from Gonorrhoea test

HBV treatment regimen prescribed ValueSet

Value set of hepatitis B virus treatment regimen prescribed

HBsAg test result ValueSet

Value set of hepatitis B virus test result (HBsAg)

HBsAg test result ValueSet

Value set of hepatitis B virus test result (HBsAg)

HCV medicine type ValueSet

Value set of type of medicine client is prescribed

HCV test result ValueSet

Value set of hepatitis C virus test result (HCV antibody, HCV RNA or HCV core antigen)

HCV test result ValueSet

Value set of hepatitis C virus test result (HCV antibody, HCV RNA or HCV core antigen)

HCV treatment regimen prescribed ValueSet

Value set of hepatitis C virus treatment regimen prescribed

HCV viral load test result ValueSet

Value set of hepatitis C viral load test result (qualitative)

HCV viral load test result ValueSet

Value set of hepatitis C viral load test result (qualitative)

HIV burden of the setting ValueSet

Value set of HIV burden of the setting (high or low) based on the national HIV prevalence or where the HIV prevalence and/or incidence in a geographical setting is higher than national prevalence and, therefore, needs priority in the HIV response

HIV clinical stage ValueSet

Value set of wHO clinical stage of client based on signs and symptoms. WHO clinical staging is a way to categorize HIV disease severity based on new or recurrent clinical events. There are 4 WHO clinical stages that range from mild symptoms (WHO clinical stage 1) to severe symptoms (WHO clinical stage 4).

HIV diagnosing facility ValueSet

Value set of the facility where the client received an HIV-positive diagnosis

HIV exposure type ValueSet

Value set of ways in which the client was exposed to HIV

HIV prevention intervention ValueSet

Value set of HIV prevention intervention that client accessed

HIV self-test distributed for use by ValueSet

Value set of whom the client plans to give the HIV self-test kit (self, sexual partner, social contact, etc.)

HIV self-test result ValueSet

Value set of results from the reported HIV self-test

HIV serotype ValueSet

Value set of the client's HIV serotype

HIV status ValueSet

Value set of HIV status reported after applying the national HIV testing algorithm. No single HIV test can provide an HIV-positive diagnosis.

HIV status of contact ValueSet

Value set of the HIV status of the client's contact

HIV status of family member ValueSet

Value set of HIV status of each family member at time of patient's enrolment, including partner (for mothers)

HIV status of partner or contact ValueSet

Value set of HIV status of the partner or contact given by the index case

HIV test result ValueSet

Value set of the result from HIV testing after applying the testing algorithm

HIV test type ValueSet

Value set of type of HIV test

HIV test type ValueSet

Value set of type of HIV test

HIV treatment outcome ValueSet

Value set of the outcome for the client which is used for reporting retention/attrition.

HIV viral load specimen type ValueSet

Value set of the type of specimen to be used to test viral load

HIV-exposed infant reason for unknown final status ValueSet

Value set of the outcome for the infant does not have a final outcome, which may because of death, stopped treatment or lost to follow-up.

HPV-DNA cervical cancer screening test result ValueSet

Value set of hPV-DNA cervical cancer screening test result

HPV16/18 test result ValueSet

Value set of test result from HPV16/18 test

Hepatitis B diagnosis ValueSet

Value set of client's hepatitis B diagnosis

Hepatitis C diagnosis ValueSet

Value set of client's hepatitis C diagnosis

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) test type ValueSet

Value set of type of diagnostic test used for herpes simplex virus (HSV)

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) test type ValueSet

Value set of type of diagnostic test used for Herpes simplex virus (HSV)

Infant HIV status ValueSet

Value set of HIV status reported after applying the HIV testing algorithm. No single HIV test can provide an HIV-positive diagnosis.

Infant feeding practice ValueSet

Value set of infant feeding practice

Infant or child exposure to HIV ValueSet

Value set of whether the infant or child was determined to have had HIV exposure through mother

Intimate partner violence enquiry results ValueSet

Value set of result of medical inquiry for intimate partner violence

Invasive cervical cancer treatment method ValueSet

Value set of invasive cervical cancer treatment method

Key population member type ValueSet

Value set of the type of key population that the client is included in

Key population member type ValueSet

Value set of the type of key population that the infant's mother is included in

Location ARV drugs received prior to enrolment ValueSet

Value set of health facility (or other location) where ARV drugs were received prior to enrolment into HIV care/ART

Marital Status ValueSet

Value set of client's current marital status

Maternal HIV status ValueSet

Value set of the HIV status of the infant's mother

Maternal HIV status at first ANC visit ValueSet

Value set of the HIV status of the infant's mother at first ANC visit

Maternal HIV test result ValueSet

Value set of test result for mother after applying the testing strategy

Maternal and child health service visit ValueSet

Value set of maternal and child health service visit attended by an HIV-exposed infant

Maternal syphilis test result ValueSet

Value set of result from maternal syphilis test

Medication status ValueSet

Value set of current state of the client's taking of the medication

Medication/drug ValueSet

Value set of current or considered medication/drug, for the purpose of determining drug interactions

Medications dispensed ValueSet

Value set of any other medications that were dispensed to client, including preventive treatment

Medications prescribed ValueSet

Value set of medications the client was prescribed

Medications prescribed ValueSet

Value set of name or regimen code of all other medications prescribed during the visit

Method of TB diagnosis ValueSet

Value set of method used to set the TB diagnosis

Monitoring examinations ValueSet

Value set of name of examinations, test and results for any relevant investigations carried out for client

Mycoplasma genitalium test type ValueSet

Value set of type of diagnostic test used for Mycoplasma genitalium

Mycoplasma genitalium test type ValueSet

Value set of type of diagnostic test used for Mycoplasma genitalium

Neisseria gonorrhoeae test type ValueSet

Value set of type of diagnostic test used for Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Neisseria gonorrhoeae test type ValueSet

Value set of type of diagnostic test used for Neisseria gonorrhoeae

New antiretroviral regimen after substitution within first-line regimen ValueSet

Value set of new antiretroviral (ARV) drugs after client changed regimen within the first-line regimen

New regimen after switch to second-line regimen ValueSet

Value set of new ART regimen after switch to second-line ART regimen

New regimen after switch to third-line regimen ValueSet

Value set of new ART regimen after switch to third-line ART regimen

New regimen(s) after substitution within second-line regimen ValueSet

Value set of new ARV drugs after client changed regimen within the second- line regimen

New regimen(s) after substitution within third-line regimen ValueSet

Value set of new ARV drugs after client changed regimen within the third-line regimen

Offer other clinical services ValueSet

Value set of other clinical services offered or referrals given to the client

Offer other clinical services ValueSet

Value set of other clinical services offered or referrals given to the client

Offer other clinical services ValueSet

Value set of other clinical services offered or referrals given to the client

Optimal regimen for transition ValueSet

Value set of the optimal regimen for transition to DTG-based regimens for children established on ART

Original first-line ART regimen ValueSet

Value set of original full, first-line ARV drug regimen patient started on at this facility

Other priority populations ValueSet

Value set of other populations of priority of HIV prevention and care in local context (provided during adaptation)

Other support services ValueSet

Value set of offer or refer for other support services

Other support services ValueSet

Value set of offer or refer for other support services

Other support services ValueSet

Value set of offer or refer for other support services

Outcome from outreach attempt ValueSet

Value set of detailed outcome from the attempt to locate the client

PEP history ValueSet

Value set of the client's history in taking post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for HIV prevention

Partner HIV status (confirmed) ValueSet

Value set of the HIV status of a sexual or drug-injecting partner of the client, based on a confirmed test result

Partner HIV status (reported) ValueSet

Value set of the HIV status of the client's partner.

Partner HIV test result ValueSet

Value set of the HIV test result of the client's partner

Partner is from a key population ValueSet

Value set of client's partner is a member of a key population, that has an increased risk of HIV

Past pregnancy complications ValueSet

Value set of whether the woman has had any complications or problems in any previous pregnancy

Place of delivery ValueSet

Value set of the type of place where the woman delivered

PrEP dosing type ValueSet

Value set of way in which pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is taken (daily or event-driven)

PrEP product prescribed ValueSet

Value set of prEP product that the client was prescribed

PrEP regimen prescribed ValueSet

Value set of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) regimen prescribed

Preferred PEP backbone regimen ValueSet

Value set of preferred backbone regimen for PEP

Preferred first-line ART regimen ValueSet

Value set of the preferred first-line ART regimen for the client according to WHO (or national) guidelines

Preferred second-line ART regimen ValueSet

Value set of the preferred second-line ART regimen for the client according to WHO (or national) guidelines

Preferred third PEP drug ValueSet

Value set of preferred third drug for PEP

Pregnancy intention in serodiscordant partnerships ValueSet

Value set of client's intention or desire in the next year to either become pregnant or prevent a future pregnancy (in serodiscordant partnerships)

Pregnancy outcome ValueSet

Value set of outcome of current pregnancy

Pregnant and breastfeeding status at ART start ValueSet

Value set of aRT status of women to prevent mother-to-child transmission

Preterm birth status ValueSet

Value set of the woman gave birth when the gestational age is less than 37 weeks

Preventing and treating coinfections ValueSet

Value set of coinfection prevention and treatment activities performed during the care visit

Prevention services offered and referrals ValueSet

Value set of offer or refer to prevention services

Prevention services offered and referrals ValueSet

Value set of offer or refer to prevention services

Prevention services offered and referrals ValueSet

Value set of offer or refer for prevention services

Probable route of transmission ValueSet

Value set of probable route(s) of transmission of HIV to client

Reason ART stopped ValueSet

Value set of reason client intentionally stopped ART

Reason ART stopped ValueSet

Value set of reason why client intentionally stopped ART

Reason Hepatitis B test not conducted ValueSet

Value set of reason why a hepatitis B test was not done

Reason Hepatitis C test not done ValueSet

Value set of reason why a hepatitis C test was not done

Reason blood pressure reading not done ValueSet

Value set of reason why test was not performed

Reason for ARV drug regimen substitution ValueSet

Value set of reason why a substitution was made to the antiretroviral (ARV) drug regimen

Reason for HIV viral load test ValueSet

Value set of whether the viral load is being tested for routine monitoring on a set schedule or for targeted monitoring for suspected treatment failure

Reason for PrEP visit ValueSet

Value set of client's reason for the prevention visit

Reason for follow-up ValueSet

Value set of the reason why the client is being followed up

Reason for referral ValueSet

Value set of reason why the client is being referred. If diagnosed, this may include the reason for the diagnosis.

Reason for regimen switch ValueSet

Value set of reason why a switch to a second- or third-line regimen was made

Reason for switch to second-line regimen ValueSet

Value set of reason why client was switched from first- to second-line ARV drug regimen (see 'Reason for regimen switch' for levels)

Reason for switch to third-line regimen ValueSet

Value set of reason why client was switched from second- to third-line ARV drug regimen (see 'Reason for regimen switch' for levels)

Reason for visit ValueSet

Value set of reason for HIV testing services visit

Reason for visit ValueSet

Value set of whether visit was scheduled or unscheduled, clinical only, or for ARV drug pick-up

Reason immunization was not provided ValueSet

Value set of reason the vaccine dose was not given

Reason malaria prophylaxis not provided ValueSet

Value set of reason why the treatment was not given

Reason syphilis test not done ValueSet

Value set of reason why a syphilis test was not done

Reason(s) for adherence problem ValueSet

Value set of reason why client was not adherent

Reason(s) for adherence problem ValueSet

Value set of reason why client is not adherent

Reason(s) for substitution within first-line regimen ValueSet

Value set of reason(s) why one ore more drugs in client's first-line ARV drug regimen was changed (substituted)

Reason(s) for substitution within second-line regimen ValueSet

Value set of reason(s) why client changed drug regimen (within the second-line)

Reason(s) for substitution within third-line regimen ValueSet

Value set of reason(s) why client changed drug regimen (within the third-line)

Reasons for delayed ART initiation ValueSet

Value set of reason why ART was not initiated at diagnosis or within 7 days of diagnosis

Referred by ValueSet

Value set of how the client was referred

Referred through partner services ValueSet

Value set of client reported coming to the facility after receiving a provider-assisted referral or patient referral from a contact or partner

Risk factors, comorbidities and coinfections signs and symptoms ValueSet

Value set of signs and symptoms of opportunistic infections or other comorbidities experienced by client

STI test result ValueSet

Value set of result from STI test

STI test result ValueSet

Value set of result from STI test

STI tested for ValueSet

Value set of sTI for which the client was tested

STI tested for ValueSet

Value set of STI for which the client was tested

Screenings and diagnostics for PrEP users ValueSet

Value set of listing of tests for clients on or starting pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) that may be recommended or should be considered

Sex ValueSet

Value set of sex of the client assigned at birth

Sex factor for estimating creatinine clearance ValueSet

Value set of value used for gender for calculating creatinine clearance if required. For transgender populations, the sex at birth is used in the Cockcroft-Gault equation if the person is not using hormone therapy; among transgender populations using hormone therapy for more than three months, the current gender can be used.

Sex partner's HIV treatment status ValueSet

Value set of treatment adherence of client's sex partner for partners that are HIV-positive

Sexual and reproductive health integrated services ValueSet

Value set of offer or refer to sexual and reproductive health services

Sexual and reproductive health integrated services ValueSet

Value set of offer or refer to sexual and reproductive health services

Sexual and reproductive health integrated services ValueSet

Value set of offer or refer to sexual and reproductive health services

Signs of serious illness ValueSet

Value set of signs that may indicate the client has a serious illness and needs triage or an emergency referral

Signs of substantial risk of HIV infection ValueSet

Value set of signs the client is at a substantial risk of HIV infection

Signs of substantial risk of HIV infection ValueSet

Value set of signs the client is at a substantial risk of HIV infection

Site where positive HIV test confirmed ValueSet

Value set of name or identifier of health facility where HIV test was confirmed

Source of gestational age ValueSet

Value set of gestational age can be calculated multiple ways. This data element describes where the gestational age above has been calculated from.

Source of information ValueSet

Value set of source of information about the client

Staging of liver disease ValueSet

Value set of staging of liver disease in client

Symptoms of TB ValueSet

Value set of symptoms that may indicate TB disease in clients living with HIV, based on a clinical algorithm

Syndrome/STI diagnosed ValueSet

Value set of syndrome or STI for which client is diagnosed

Syndrome/STI diagnosed ValueSet

Value set of syndrome or STI for which client is diagnosed

Syphilis diagnosis ValueSet

Value set of client's syphilis diagnosis

Syphilis test result ValueSet

Value set of result from syphilis test

Syphilis test result ValueSet

Value set of result from syphilis test

Syphilis test result ValueSet

Value set of result from syphilis test

Syphilis test type ValueSet

Value set of type of diagnostic test used for syphilis (treponema pallidum)

Syphilis test type ValueSet

Value set of type of diagnostic test used for syphilis (Treponema pallidum)

Syphilis test type ValueSet

Value set of type of diagnostic test used for syphilis (treponema pallidum)

TB diagnosis result ValueSet

Value set of final result of the TB investigation (bacteriological and/or clinical)

TB diagnostic test category ValueSet

Value set of the type of diagnostic test performed to detect tuberculosis (TB) disease

TB preventive treatment (TPT) status ValueSet

Value set of indicates the current status of TB preventive treatment (TPT)

TB screening algorithm ValueSet

Value set of screening algorithm selected for screening activities

TB screening result ValueSet

Value set of record the result of the tuberculosis (TB) screening

TB status at ART start ValueSet

Value set of client's tuberculosis (TB) status when antiretroviral therapy (ART) is started

TB treatment history ValueSet

Value set of history of previous TB treatment

TB treatment outcome ValueSet

Value set of indicates patient's TB treatment outcome

TB treatment regimen composition ValueSet

Value set of tB drugs currently being taken by the client

TPT regimen type ValueSet

Value set of type of TPT regimen the client is currently on

Test result of HIV assay 1 ValueSet

Value set of the result of the first HIV assay in the testing strategy

Test result of HIV assay 1 ValueSet

Value set of the result of the first HIV assay in the testing strategy

Test result of HIV assay 1 repeated ValueSet

Value set of the result of the repeated first HIV assay in the testing strategy

Test result of HIV assay 1 repeated ValueSet

Value set of the result of the repeated first HIV assay in the testing strategy

Test result of HIV assay 2 ValueSet

Value set of the result of the second HIV assay in the testing strategy

Test result of HIV assay 2 ValueSet

Value set of the result of the second HIV assay in the testing strategy

Test result of HIV assay 3 ValueSet

Value set of the result of the third HIV assay in the testing strategy

Test result of HIV assay 3 ValueSet

Value set of the result of the third HIV assay in the testing strategy

Test result of syphilis assay 1 ValueSet

Value set of the result of the first syphilis assay in the testing strategy

Test result of syphilis assay 1 repeated ValueSet

Value set of the result of the first syphilis assay repeated in the testing strategy

Testing entry point ValueSet

Value set of whether testing is happening in the community or at a facility

Time to start ART ValueSet

Value set of time from HIV diagnosis to when client started ART

Timing of ART initiation ValueSet

Value set of when the pregnant woman or mother initiated ART, for women living with HIV.

Timing of adverse event ValueSet

Value set of when the adverse event associated with VMMC procedure occurred

Transfer to facility ValueSet

Value set of name of health facility client was transferred to

Treatment failure ValueSet

Value set of aRT treatment failure

Treatment method for cervical precancer lesions ValueSet

Value set of treatment method for cervical precancer lesions

Trichomonas vaginalis test type ValueSet

Value set of type of diagnostic test used for Trichomonas vaginalis

Trichomonas vaginalis test type ValueSet

Value set of type of diagnostic test used for Trichomonas vaginalis

Type of adverse VMMC event ValueSet

Value set of type of adverse event associated with voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) procedure

Type of contact elicited ValueSet

Value set of client's relationship to the contact identified for voluntary partner services or family services

Type of contact or partner for partner services ValueSet

Value set of client's relationship to the person that referred the client for partner services or family services

Type of follow-up appointment ValueSet

Value set of type of follow-up appointment for testing services

Type of follow-up appointment ValueSet

Value set of type of follow-up appointment for testing services

Type of follow-up appointment ValueSet

Value set of whether the visit will be clinical only, ARV drug pick-up or other. Client may have multiple follow-ups scheduled.

Type of hypertensive disorder ValueSet

Value set of type of hypertensive disorder of the mother

Type of iron supplement dosage provided ValueSet

Value set of whether the amount of iron prescribed is for daily or weekly intake

Type of specimen ValueSet

Value set of type of specimen to be collected

Type of specimen ValueSet

Value set of type of specimen to be collected

Type of treatment-limiting toxicity ValueSet

Value set of type of treatment-limiting toxicity experienced by client. Treatment-limiting toxicity is defined as a serious adverse drug reaction that results in drug discontinuation or substitution. In addition, any reaction that leads to treatment interruption or requires changing the drug or regimen because of an adverse drug reaction is also considered a serious adverse drug reaction.

Urine protein test result ValueSet

Value set of results of urine protein test of mother during ANC visit

VIA cervical cancer screening test result ValueSet

Value set of screening test result for VIA

Vaccination location ValueSet

Value set of the service delivery location where the vaccine adminstration occurred

Vaccine brand ValueSet

Value set of the brand or trade name used to refer to the vaccine received

Vaccine type ValueSet

Value set of type of vaccine received (such as IPV, OPV)

WHO HIV clinical stage condition or symptom ValueSet

Value set of new or recurrent clinical events used to categorize HIV disease severity based at baseline and follow up

WHO HIV clinical stage condition or symptom ValueSet

Value set of new or recurrent clinical events used to categorize HIV disease severity based at baseline and follow up

WHO functional status ValueSet

Value set of functional status of people with advanced HIV disease

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

WHO SMART HIV Concepts CodeSystem

This code system defines the concepts used in the World Health Organization SMART HIV DAK

Example: Example Scenarios

These define groups of interrelated examples that demonstrate one or more of the workflows supported by this implementation guide.


Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.

Aggregate reporting and data use

Functional Requirements For Aggregate reporting and data use

Care and treatment clinical visit

Functional Requirements For Care and treatment clinical visit


In the context of this document, a client is a person who is given medical care, which may include HIV prevention, care or treatment services. Clients may be HIV-positive or HIV-negative, or they may not know their HIV status. A client living with HIV may be enrolled to receive antiretroviral treatment (ART) and/or other HIV-related treatment and care.

Community health worker

A person who provides health education, referral and follow-up, case management and basic preventive health care and home visiting services to specific communities. Examples of HIV services that they provide include HIV testing, distributing HIV self-test (HIVST) kits, counselling in the community, monitoring adherence to ART and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and drug pick- up, and following up and tracing lost patients. The occupation normally requires formal or informal training and supervision required by the health and social services authorities.

Data entry clerk

An individual who helps to record, organize, store, compute and retrieve information, including patient records and registers. The knowledge and skills required are usually obtained through on- the-job training but may include post-secondary education. Clerks may also transcribe data, tally data, fill in routine reports and review the quality of data with others.


Functional Requirements For Diagnostics

District health information officer

A manager supervising the monitoring system to track quality of care and data. This person provides a link between the health centre and central level to ensure that patient monitoring needs are met (for example, adequate staffing, tools and other resources) and implements changes to data standards or norms .

Example Alternative PEP Backbone Prescription

This is an example of an alternative PEP backbone prescription resource based on the AltPepBackbonePrescription profile.

Example Alternative Third PEP Prescription

This is an example of an alternative Third PEP prescription resource based on the AltThirdPepPrescription profile.

Example Cervical Cancer Screening Procedure

An example of a cervical cancer screening procedure.

Example Current PrEP Regimen Prescription

This is an example of a current PrEP regimen prescription resource based on the CurrentPrepRegimen profile.

Example Elevated HIV Risk Condition

This is an example of an Elevated HIV Risk Condition resource based on the HivElevatedRiskForAcquisition profile.

Example HCV Test Observation

An example of an HCV test observation based on the HivHcvTest profile.

Example HIV Key Population Observation

This is an example of an HIV Key Population Observation resource based on the HivKeyPopulation profile.

Example HIV On ART Medication Statement

This is an example of an On ART Medication Statement resource based on the HivOnArtMedicationStatement profile.

Example HIV Positive Status Condition

This is an example of an HIV Positive Status Condition resource based on the HivStatusCondition profile.

Example HIV Positive Status Observation

This is an example of an HIV Positive Status Observation resource based on the HivStatusObservation profile.

Example HIV Prevention Intervention Observation

An example of an HIV Prevention Intervention observation resource based on the HivPreventionIntervention profile.

Example HIV Test Observation for Positive Result

This is an example of an HIV Test Observation resource based on the HivTest profile for a positive test result.

Example Hiv Patient

This is an example of HIV Patient Resouce

Example Invasive Cervical Cancer Diagnosis

This is an example of an Invasive Cervical Cancer Diagnosis Condition resource based on the HivInvasiveCervicalCancerDiagnosis profile.

Example Invasive Cervical Cancer Treatment Procedure

This is an example of an Invasive Cervical Cancer Treatment Procedure resource based on the HivInvasiveCervicalCancerTreatment profile.

Example PrEP Product Prescription

This is an example of a PREP Product Prescription resource based on the PrepProductPrescription profile.

Example Preferred PEP Backbone Prescription

This is an example of a preferred PEP backbone prescription resource based on the PreferredPepBackbonePrescription profile.

Example Preferred Third PEP Prescription

This is an example of a preferred third PEP prescription resource based on the PreferredThirdPepPrescription profile.

Example VMMC Procedure

An example of a VMMC procedure based on the HivVmmcProcedure profile.



Following up and contacting clients

Functional Requirements For Following up and contacting clients

HIV non Functional Requirements

Non Functional Requirements For HIV

HIV testing services

Functional Requirements For HIV testing services

HIV.IND.11 OAMT coverage

% of opioid dependent people receiving opioid agonist maintenance treatment (OAMT) at a specified date

HIV.IND.12 Total person-years on OAMT

% of person-years of follow-up (PYFU) on OAMT among opioid dependent people

HIV.IND.13 OAMT minimum duration

% of OAMT recipients who received treatment for at least six months

HIV.IND.14 OAMT minimum dose

% of OAMT recipients receiving a maintenance dose greater than or equal to the recommended minimum dose

HIV.IND.15 VMMC scale-up

Total number of voluntary medical male circumcisions (VMMCs) performed according to national standard during the reporting period

HIV.IND.16 VMMC adverse events

a) Number or (b) % of adverse events during the reporting period

HIV.IND.18 People living with HIV who know their HIV status (first 95)

Number and % of people living with HIV who know their HIV status

HIV.IND.19 HTS test volume and positivity

Number of HIV tests performed (volume) and the % of HIV-positive results returned to people (positivity)

HIV.IND.2 Total PrEP recipients

Number of people who received PrEP at least once during the reporting period

HIV.IND.20 Individuals testing positive for HIV

% testing positive among people who received an HIV test in the reporting period

HIV.IND.21 Linkage to ART

% of people newly diagnosed with HIV initiated on ART

HIV.IND.22 HTS partner services

Number of people who were identified and tested using partner testing services and who received their results

HIV.IND.24 HTS linkage to prevention

Among those testing HIV-negative and identified as being at elevated risk for HIV acquisition, % of people who receive an HIV prevention intervention within defined period

HIV.IND.25 HIV retesting coverage

% of people testing HIV-negative who tested again within a defined period of time after their previous test

HIV.IND.27 People living with HIV on ART

Number and % of people on ART among all people living with HIV at the end of the reporting period

HIV.IND.28 Total attrition from ART

Number and % of people living with HIV on ART at the end of the last reporting period and those newly initiating ART during the current reporting period who were not on ART at the end of the current reporting period

HIV.IND.29 People living with HIV on ART who have suppressed viral load

% of people living with HIV on ART (for at least six months) who have virological suppression

HIV.IND.3 PrEP coverage

% of people prescribed PrEP among those identified as being at elevated risk for HIV acquisition

HIV.IND.30 New ART patients

Number of people living with HIV who initiated ART

HIV.IND.31 Late ART initiation

% of people living with HIV who initiate ART with a CD4 count of <200 cells/mm3

HIV.IND.32 Viral load testing coverage

% of people living with HIV on ART (for at least six months) with viral load test results

HIV.IND.33 Early viral load testing (at six months)

Number and % of people living with HIV on ART who had a viral load result reviewed by six months after initiation of ART

HIV.IND.34 Appropriate second viral load test after adherence counselling

% of people living with HIV receiving ART with VL ≥1000 copies/mL who received a follow-up viral load test within three months

HIV.IND.35 ARV toxicity prevalence

% of ART patients with treatment-limiting ARV toxicity

HIV.IND.37 Viral suppression at labour and delivery

% of HIV-positive pregnant women who are virally suppressed at labour and delivery

HIV.IND.38 Early infant diagnosis (EID) coverage

% of HIV-exposed infants who receive a virological test for HIV within two months (and 12 months) of birth

HIV.IND.39 Infant ARV prophylaxis coverage

% of HIV-exposed infants who initiated ARV prophylaxis

HIV.IND.4 Volume of PrEP prescribed

Total volume of PrEP product prescribed

HIV.IND.40 ART coverage in pregnant women

% of HIV-positive pregnant women who received ART during pregnancy and/or at labour and delivery

HIV.IND.41 ART coverage in breastfeeding mothers

% of HIV-exposed breastfeeding infants whose mothers are receiving ART at 12 (and 24 months) postpartum

HIV.IND.42 Final outcome of PMTCT

% of HIV-exposed infants whose final HIV outcome status is known

HIV.IND.43 HIV prevalence among women attending ANC

% of pregnant women who are HIV-positive at the time of their first test during the current pregnancy

HIV.IND.44 TPT initiation

Number and % of eligible people living with HIV on ART who initiated TB preventive treatment

HIV.IND.45 TPT completion

Number and % of people living with HIV on ART who completed a course of TB preventive treatment among those who initiated TPT

HIV.IND.46 TB diagnostic testing type

% of people living with HIV with TB symptoms who receive a rapid molecular test, for example, Xpert MTB/RIF, as a first test for diagnosis of TB

HIV.IND.47 People living with HIV with active TB disease

% of people living with HIV newly initiated on ART who have active TB disease

HIV.IND.48 TB screening coverage among new ART patients

% of people living with HIV newly initiated on ART who were screened for TB

HIV.IND.49 TB symptom-screened positive among new ART patients

% of people living with HIV newly initiated on ART who were screened for TB symptoms and who screened positive

HIV.IND.5 Number of PEP recipients

Number of people prescribed PEP during the reporting period

HIV.IND.50 TB testing among those symptom-screened positive

% of people living with HIV newly initiated on ART and screened positive for TB symptoms who then are tested for TB

HIV.IND.51 TB diagnosis among those tested for TB

% of people living with HIV newly initiated on ART and tested for TB who are diagnosed with active TB disease

HIV.IND.52 TB treatment initiation among diagnosed

% of people living with HIV newly initiated on ART and diagnosed with active TB who initiated TB treatment

HIV.IND.53 Multi-month ARV dispensing

% of people living with HIV and On ART who are receiving multi-month dispensing of ARV medicine during the reporting period

HIV.IND.54 Uptake of DSD ART models among people living with HIV

% of people newly enrolled in DSD ART models among those eligible

HIV.IND.55 Coverage of DSD ART models among people living with HIV on ART

% of people living with HIV enrolled in DSD ART models among those eligible for DSD ART (for facilities with electronic HIS) or among people living with HIV On ART (facilities with paper-based systems) during the reporting period

HIV.IND.56 Retention in DSD ART models

% of people retained in DSD ART models during the reporting period

HIV.IND.57 Viral suppression among people living with HIV engaged in DSD ART models

% of people living with HIV engaged in DSD ART models who have virological suppression

HIV.IND.58 Syphilis testing coverage, HIV prevention services

% of people attending HIV prevention services who were tested for syphilis during the reporting period

HIV.IND.59 Syphilis testing coverage, HIV-positive clients

% of people living with HIV who were tested for syphilis during the reporting period

HIV.IND.6 PEP completion

% of PEP recipients completing PEP course

HIV.IND.60 Syphilis testing coverage, pregnant women, first ANC visit

% of pregnant women who were tested for syphilis on first ANC services visit during the reporting period

HIV.IND.61 Syphilis testing coverage, pregnant women, any ANC visit

% of pregnant women who were tested for syphilis on any ANC visit during the reporting period

HIV.IND.62 Syphilis test positivity, HIV prevention services

% of people attending HIV prevention services who were tested for syphilis and had a positive syphilis test result during the reporting period

HIV.IND.63 Syphilis test positivity, HIV-positive clients

% of people living with HIV who were tested for syphilis and had a positive syphilis test result during the reporting period

HIV.IND.64 Syphilis test positivity, pregnant women, first visit

% of pregnant women who tested positive for syphilis during first ANC services visit in the reporting period

HIV.IND.65 Syphilis test positivity, pregnant women, any visit

% of pregnant women who tested positive for syphilis during the reporting period

HIV.IND.66 Syphilis treatment coverage, HIV prevention services

% of people attending HIV prevention services tested positive for syphilis who were treated based on national guidelines during the reporting period

HIV.IND.67 Syphilis treatment coverage, HIV-positive clients

% of people living with HIV tested positive for syphilis who were treated based on national guidelines during the reporting period

HIV.IND.68 Syphilis treatment coverage, pregnant women, first ANC visit

% of pregnant women tested positive for syphilis on first ANC services visit who were treated based on national guidelines during the reporting period

HIV.IND.69 Syphilis treatment coverage, pregnant women, any ANC visit

% of pregnant women who tested positive for syphilis who were treated based on national guidelines during the reporting period

HIV.IND.7 HIV in PEP recipients

% of PEP recipients testing HIV-positive three months after PEP was prescribed

HIV.IND.70 Gonorrhoea testing coverage, HIV prevention services

% of people attending HIV prevention services tested for gonorrhoea during the reporting period

HIV.IND.71 Gonorrhoea testing coverage, HIV-positive clients

% of people living with HIV tested for gonorrhoea during the reporting period

HIV.IND.72 Gonorrhoea test positivity, HIV prevention services

% of people who tested positive for gonorrhoea during the reporting period

HIV.IND.73 Gonorrhoea test positivity, HIV-positive clients

% of people living with HIV who tested positive for gonorrhoea during the reporting period

HIV.IND.74 Gonorrhoea treatment coverage, HIV prevention services

% of people attending HIV prevention services tested positive for gonorrhoea who were treated based on national guidelines during the reporting period

HIV.IND.75 Gonorrhoea treatment coverage, HIV-positive clients

% of people living with HIV tested positive for gonorrhoea who were treated based on national guidelines during the reporting period

HIV.IND.76 Presence of STI syndrome, HIV prevention services

% of people attending HIV prevention services diagnosed with a particular STI syndrome during the reporting period

HIV.IND.77 Presence of STI syndrome, HIV-positive clients

% of people living with HIV diagnosed with a particular STI syndrome during the reporting period

HIV.IND.78 Repeat diagnosis of STI syndrome, HIV prevention services

% of people attending HIV prevention services diagnosed with a particular STI syndrome who were diagnosed with the same STI syndrome two or more times during the reporting period

HIV.IND.79 Repeat diagnosis of STI syndrome, HIV-positive clients

% of people living with HIV diagnosed with a particular STI syndrome who were diagnosed with the same STI syndrome two or more times during the reporting period

HIV.IND.8 NSP coverage

% of people who inject drugs provided with needles-syringes during the reporting period

HIV.IND.80 HBV test coverage, HIV prevention services

% of people attending HIV prevention services who were tested for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) during the reporting period (laboratory-based test or rapid test)

HIV.IND.81 HBV test coverage, HIV-positive clients

% of people living with HIV who were tested for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) during the reporting period (laboratory-based test or rapid test)

HIV.IND.82 HBV test coverage, pregnant women

% of pregnant women who were tested for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) during the reporting period (laboratory-based test or rapid test)

HIV.IND.83 HCV test coverage, HIV prevention services

% of people attending HIV prevention services who were tested for HCV (HCV antibody, HCV RNA or HCV core antigen) during the reporting period (laboratory-based test or rapid test)

HIV.IND.84 HCV test coverage, HIV-positive clients

% of people living with HIV who were tested for HCV (HCV antibody, HCV RNA or HCV core antigen) during the reporting period (laboratory-based test or rapid test)

HIV.IND.85 HBsAg positivity, HIV prevention services

Percentage of people attending HIV prevention services who were tested for HBsAg and had a positive HBsAg test during the reporting period

HIV.IND.86 HBsAg positivity, HIV-positive clients

Percentage of people living with HIV who were tested for HBsAg and had a positive HBsAg test during the reporting period

HIV.IND.87 HBsAg positivity, pregnant women

Percentage of pregnant women who were tested for HBsAg and had a positive HBsAg test during the reporting period

HIV.IND.88 HCV positivity, HIV prevention services

% of people attending HIV prevention services with a positive HCV test result (HCV antibody, HCV RNA (PCR) or HCV core antigen) during the reporting period

HIV.IND.89 HCV positivity, HIV-positive clients

% of people living with HIV with a positive HCV test result (HCV antibody, HCV RNA (PCR) or HCV core antigen) during the reporting period

HIV.IND.9 Regular NSP access

% of people who inject drugs accessing a needle-syringe programme (NSP) at least once per month during the reporting period

HIV.IND.90 HBV treatment among people living with HIV

% of people living with HIV and diagnosed with HBV infection who are on TDF-based ART

HIV.IND.91 HCV treatment among people living with HIV

% of people living with HIV and diagnosed with HCV infection who initiated HCV treatment (direct acting antivirals) during the reporting period

HIV.IND.92 HCV cured among people living with HIV

% of people living with HIV and co-infected with HCV who were confirmed to be cured of HCV during the reporting period

HIV.IND.93 Cervical cancer screening

Number of women living with HIV who were screened for cervical cancer using any screening test

HIV.IND.94 Pre-invasive cervical disease treatment

% of women living with HIV who screened positive for pre-invasive cervical disease and received treatment for it

HIV.IND.95 Invasive cervical cancer treatment

% of women living with HIV diagnosed with invasive cancer who were treated

HIV.IND.96 Cervical cancer survival

Crude probability of surviving 1 year after a diagnosis of cervical cancer

Key populations

A member of a key population is someone who, due to specific higher-risk behaviours, is at an increased risk of HIV irrespective of the epidemic type or local context. Key population groups also often have legal and social issues related to their behaviours that increase their vulnerability to HIV. Five key populations are included in this kit: (1) men who have sex with men, (2) people who inject drugs, (3) people in prisons and other closed settings, (4) sex workers and (5) transgender people. Key populations are important to the dynamics of HIV transmission and are essential partners in an effective response to the epidemic.

Lab technician

A person who performs clinical tests on specimens of bodily fluids and tissues in order to get information about the health of a patient, as well as conducts tests and operates equipment for analysis of biological material, including blood and urine. This person normally has completed formal training in biomedical science, medical technology or a related field.


A graduate who has been legally authorized (registered) to practice after examination by a state board of nurse examiners or similar regulatory authority. Education includes three, four or more years in nursing school, and it leads to a university or postgraduate university degree or the equivalent. A registered nurse has the full range of nursing skills.


The pharmacist stores, preserves, compounds and dispenses medicinal products, as well as counsels on the proper use and adverse effects of drugs and medicines following prescriptions issued by other health professionals. This individual has completed university-level training in pharmacy or pharmaceutical chemistry.


A legally qualified and licensed practitioner of medicine, concerned with maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis and treatment of disease and injury, through the science of medicine and the applied practice of that science. A medical doctor requires training in a medical school. Gaining a basic medical degree may take from five to nine years, depending on the jurisdiction and the university providing the training.

PrEP visit

Functional Requirements For PrEP visit


Functional Requirements For Referral


Functional Requirements For Registration

Special population client

A person from a specific group that requires or would benefit from differentiated client management or services. The groups may include key populations, paediatric or adolescent clients, adolescent girls and young women, pregnant or breastfeeding women, tuberculosis (TB) patients, serodiscordant partners and other specific priority populations.

Specialist medical doctor

A doctor who diagnoses, treats and prevents illness, disease, injury and other impairments using specialized testing and diagnostic, medical, surgical, physical and psychiatric techniques. These providers may also plan, supervise and evaluate the implementation of care and treatment plans by other health care providers. They specialize in certain disease categories, types of clients or methods of treatment and may conduct medical education and research activities in their chosen areas of specialization.

Trained lay provider

A person who has been trained and supervised to independently perform functions related to health care delivery and to deliver specific services but who has received no formal professional or paraprofessional certificate or tertiary educational degree. Peers can be trained to function as lay providers.

Trained non-physician clinician

A professional health worker who is capable of many of the diagnostic and clinical functions of a physician but who is not trained as a physician. These types of health workers are an important cadre for HIV care and treatment in some countries. Normally, completion of tertiary-level training in theoretical and practical medical services. They work autonomously or with limited supervision of medical doctors and provide advisory, diagnostic, curative and preventive medical services more limited in scope and complexity than those carried out by medical doctors.