WHO SMART Guidelines - HIV
0.3.0 - ci-build

WHO SMART Guidelines - HIV - Local Development build (v0.3.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Questionnaire: Capture or update mother's history


Generated Narrative: Questionnaire HIV.E1CaptureOrUpdateMotherSHistory

LinkIDTextCardinalityTypeFlagsDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Questionnaire for capture or update mother's historyQuestionnairehttp://smart.who.int/hiv/Questionnaire/HIV.E1CaptureOrUpdateMotherSHistory#0.3.0
... HIV.E.DE1Pregnant woman's first name0..1string
... HIV.E.DE2Pregnant woman's surname0..1string
... HIV.E.DE3Pregnant woman's unique ID0..1string
... HIV.E.DE4Antenatal care number0..1string
... HIV.E.DE5Gestational age1..1integer
... HIV.E.DE6Source of gestational age1..1choiceValue Set: #HIV.E.DE6
... HIV.E.DE10Expected date of delivery (EDD)1..1date
... HIV.E.DE11Number of pregnancies (gravida)1..1integer
... HIV.E.DE12Number of previous pregnancies1..1integer
... HIV.E.DE13Number of miscarriages and/or abortions1..1integer
... HIV.E.DE14Number of live births1..1integer
... HIV.E.DE15Number of caesarian sections1..1integer
... HIV.E.DE16Number of stillbirths1..1integer
... HIV.E.DE17Past pregnancy complications0..1choiceValue Set: #HIV.E.DE17
... HIV.E.DE35Other past pregnancy problems (specify)0..1string
... HIV.E.DE36Parity1..1integer
... HIV.E.DE37Pregnancy in HIV-infected woman0..1boolean
... HIV.E.DE38Date new pregnancy of HIV-positive woman identified0..1date
... HIV.E.DE39ANC contact during pregnancy0..1boolean
... HIV.E.DE40Date of first ANC visit0..1date
... HIV.E.DE41Timing of ART initiation0..1choiceValue Set: #HIV.E.DE41
... HIV.E.DE45Maternal use of recommended ART regimen0..1boolean
... HIV.E.DE46Delivery date1..1date
... HIV.E.DE47Pregnancy outcome0..1choiceValue Set: #HIV.E.DE47
... HIV.E.DE52Delivery mode0..1choiceValue Set: #HIV.E.DE52
... HIV.E.DE56Indications for caesarian section (C/S)0..1string
... HIV.E.DE57Obstetric complications0..1string
... HIV.E.DE58Live birth0..1boolean
... HIV.E.DE59Live birth to an HIV-positive woman0..1boolean
... HIV.E.DE60Gestational age at birth0..1integer
... HIV.E.DE61Small for gestational age (SGA)0..1boolean
... HIV.E.DE62Preterm birth status0..1choiceValue Set: #HIV.E.DE62
... HIV.E.DE66Maternal ART start date0..1date
... HIV.E.DE67Place of delivery1..1choiceValue Set: #HIV.E.DE67
... HIV.E.DE71Other (specify)0..1string
... HIV.E.DE72Delivery facility0..1string
... HIV.E.DE73Date of miscarriage or abortion0..1date
... HIV.E.DE76Infant's first name1..1string
... HIV.E.DE77Infant's surname1..1string
... HIV.E.DE78Infant's unique ID1..1string
... HIV.E.DE79Mother's first name0..1string
... HIV.E.DE80Mother's surname0..1string
... HIV.E.DE81Mother's unique ID0..1string
... HIV.E.DE82Caregiver's first name0..1string
... HIV.E.DE83Caregiver's surname0..1string
... HIV.E.DE84Caregiver's unique identifier0..1string
... HIV.E.DE85ANC contact date1..1dateTime
... HIV.E.DE86Referral1..1boolean
... HIV.E.DE87Infant date of birth0..1date
... HIV.E.DE88Date of birth of infant unknown0..1boolean
... HIV.E.DE89Estimated age of infant0..1integer
... HIV.E.DE90Age of infant0..1integer
... HIV.E.DE91Gender of infant1..1choiceValue Set: #HIV.E.DE91
... HIV.E.DE113Key population member0..1boolean
... HIV.E.DE114Key population member type0..1choiceValue Set: #HIV.E.DE114
... HIV.E.DE134Taking iron and folic acid (IFA) tablets0..1boolean
... HIV.E.DE135Amount of iron prescribed0..1integer
... HIV.E.DE136Type of iron supplement dosage provided0..1choiceValue Set: #HIV.E.DE136
... HIV.E.DE139Amount of daily dose of folic acid prescribed0..1integer
... HIV.E.DE141Maternal HIV status0..1choiceValue Set: #HIV.E.DE141
... HIV.E.DE145Maternal HIV status at first ANC visit0..1choiceValue Set: #HIV.E.DE145
... HIV.E.DE155Signs of substantial risk of HIV infection1..1choiceValue Set: #HIV.E.DE155
... HIV.E.DE160Serodiscordant partner0..1boolean
... HIV.E.DE161Date woman received counselling for CPT0..1date
... HIV.E.DE162Date woman received counselling for TPT0..1date
... HIV.E.DE173Maternal and child health service visit0..1choiceValue Set: #HIV.E.DE173
... HIV.E.DE177Weeks postpartum0..1integer
... HIV.E.DE243Timing of additional infant HIV test0..1integer
... HIV.E.DE244Date of sample collection of additional infant HIV test0..1date
... HIV.E.DE245Haemoglobin (Hb) result0..1integer
... HIV.E.DE246Blood group and Rh factor0..1choiceValue Set: #HIV.E.DE246
... HIV.E.DE255Asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) test result0..1choiceValue Set: #HIV.E.DE255
... HIV.E.DE259Urine protein test result0..1choiceValue Set: #HIV.E.DE259
... HIV.E.DE264Type of hypertensive disorder0..1choiceValue Set: #HIV.E.DE264

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