HIV.FXNREQ.022 | | As a Health worker
I want to identify the date of the last attended contact
So that I can ensure the client is receiving services according to recommended schedule
HIV.FXNREQ.023 | | As a Health worker
I want the system to highlight abnormal values
So that I can identify critical health issues or errors (if a data-entry issue)
HIV.FXNREQ.024 | | As a Health worker
I want to see which clinical staging conditions or symptoms the client has already experienced
So that the information may be used to help classify the client’s HIV disease severity.
HIV.FXNREQ.025 | | As a Health worker
I want the system to provide real-time range checks and integrity checks on data
So that I can ensure entry of accurate information and reduce errors
HIV.FXNREQ.026 | | As a Health worker or data entry clerk
I want to record the HIV status of partners or family members of clients, with proper consent
So that I can provide specialized care (for example, in serodiscordant couples)
HIV.FXNREQ.027 | | As a Health worker
I want to review past medical history previously entered
So that I can provide appropriate services according to the latest clinical protocols
HIV.FXNREQ.028 | | As a Health worker or data entry clerk
I want to have different question and language prompts when clients are from different populations
So that I can better support populations such as adolescents, paediatric clients and caregivers and their unique needs.
HIV.FXNREQ.029 | | As a Health worker
I want a list of tests that I (the health worker) can order
So that I can provide appropriate services according to the latest clinical protocols
HIV.FXNREQ.030 | | As a Health worker
I want to print a requisition for lab tests, which includes required information for performing the test
So that I can provide the client with list of test required
HIV.FXNREQ.031 | | As a Health worker
I want the system to suggest appropriate treatments/investigations based on data entered
So that I can provide appropriate services according to the latest clinical protocols
HIV.FXNREQ.032 | | As a Health worker
I want to see where I can refer clients for specialized counselling that I’m not qualified to provide
So that I can direct clients to where they can get the confidential and sensitive support they need
HIV.FXNREQ.033 | | As a Health worker
I want to see a schedule of available days
So that I can notify the client when to return for subsequent contact
HIV.FXNREQ.034 | | As a Health worker
I want to have the system automatically calculate the date when the client should return for care based on, for example, risk, prevalence or clinical stability
So that I do not have to calculate this myself