WHO SMART Guidelines - HIV
0.3.0 - ci-build

WHO SMART Guidelines - HIV - Local Development build (v0.3.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Questionnaire: Capture or update client history


Generated Narrative: Questionnaire HIV.B6CaptureOrUpdateClientHistory

LinkIDTextCardinalityTypeFlagsDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Questionnaire for capture or update client historyQuestionnairehttp://smart.who.int/hiv/Questionnaire/HIV.B6CaptureOrUpdateClientHistory#0.3.0
... HIV.B.DE29Currently pregnant0..1boolean
... HIV.B.DE30Gestational age0..1integer
... HIV.B.DE31Expected date of delivery (EDD)0..1date
... HIV.B.DE32Breastfeeding0..1boolean
... HIV.B.DE33Partner HIV status (reported)0..1choiceValue Set: #HIV.B.DE33
... HIV.B.DE37Partner is from a key population0..1choiceValue Set: #HIV.B.DE37
... HIV.B.DE43Has used an HIV self-test before (reported)0..1boolean
... HIV.B.DE44HIV self-test result0..1choiceValue Set: #HIV.B.DE44
... HIV.B.DE48Date of HIV self-test0..1date
... HIV.B.DE49Key population member0..1boolean
... HIV.B.DE50Key population member type0..1choiceValue Set: #HIV.B.DE50
... HIV.B.DE56Adolescent girl0..1boolean
... HIV.B.DE57Young woman0..1boolean
... HIV.B.DE58Orphan or vulnerable child0..1boolean
... HIV.B.DE59Informed of HIV test result0..1boolean
... HIV.B.DE60Date HIV test results returned0..1date
... HIV.B.DE61HIV exposure type0..1choiceValue Set: #HIV.B.DE61
... HIV.B.DE65Date informed of HIV-positive diagnosis0..1date
... HIV.B.DE66HIV diagnosing facility1..1choiceValue Set: #HIV.B.DE66
... HIV.B.DE67Date of first positive test indicative of HIV diagnosis0..1date
... HIV.B.DE136Partner HIV status (confirmed)0..1choiceValue Set: #HIV.B.DE136
... HIV.B.DE140Partner on ART0..1boolean
... HIV.B.DE141Partner virally suppressed on ART0..1boolean
... HIV.B.DE225At elevated risk for HIV acquisition0..1boolean
... HIV.H.DE33Partner or contact of index case0..1boolean
... HIV.H.DE34HIV status of partner or contact0..1choiceValue Set: #HIV.H.DE34

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