Openelis Qa Framework Report
Report generated 24-07-2023 09:51

Requirements Overview

Scenario Results (including rows of test data) Automated
 Passing 80 98%
 Pending 0
 Ignored 0
 Skipped 0
 Failed 2 2%
 Broken 0
 Compromised 0
Total 82
Execution Time Clock Time Fastest Test Slowest Test Average Execution Time
29m 50s 28m 57s 0ms 1m 41s 28s

Automated Tests

Feature Scenario Steps Started Duration Result
EMR-LIS Work Flows Lab Odering 16 09:51:56 123ms SUCCESS
EMR-LIS Work Flows Report Lab Results 10 09:51:56 020ms SUCCESS
Add Batch Orders Feature Add Batch Orders action (1 example) 11 09:51:57 23s 468ms SUCCESS
Add Batch Orders Feature Batch Order Entry Screen (1 example) 6 09:52:20 12s 051ms FAILURE
Add Order Order Number (2 examples) 6 09:52:32 38s 950ms SUCCESS
Add Order Request and Received Date (1 example) 9 09:53:11 21s 087ms SUCCESS
Add Order Reception Time (3 examples) 3 09:53:32 29s 220ms SUCCESS
Add Order Site Name 6 09:54:02 9s 684ms SUCCESS
Add Order Requester's Name (1 example) 3 09:54:11 14s 270ms SUCCESS
Add Order Requester Phone/Fax/Email (2 examples) 4 09:54:26 33s 261ms SUCCESS
Add Order Payment fields and Sampling performed for analysis 6 09:54:59 9s 541ms SUCCESS
Add Order Add samples 12 09:55:08 12s 851ms SUCCESS
Add Order Collection Date (2 examples) 8 09:55:21 32s 442ms SUCCESS
Add Order Collection Time (3 examples) 5 09:55:54 34s 254ms SUCCESS
Add Order Collector (1 example) 4 09:56:28 10s 447ms SUCCESS
Add Order Available Tests and Panels 18 09:56:39 18s 233ms SUCCESS
Add Order Patient Search (1 example) 9 09:56:57 15s 173ms SUCCESS
Add Order Patient Information (2 examples) 31 09:57:12 2m 25s SUCCESS
Add Order Overall Page 11 09:59:37 36s 497ms SUCCESS
Configurable Items Feature Order Entry Configuration (1 example) 3 10:00:13 7s 891ms SUCCESS
User Login Failing or Succeeding to Login (3 examples) 4 10:00:21 17s 063ms SUCCESS
Modify Order Order Search (1 example) 11 10:00:38 32s 752ms SUCCESS
Modify Order Order Information (1 example) 25 10:01:11 39s 827ms SUCCESS
Modify Order Current Test Information (1 example) 28 10:01:51 30s 464ms SUCCESS
Modify Order Available Test Information (1 example) 6 10:02:21 10s 742ms SUCCESS
Modify Order Add Order (1 example) 11 10:02:32 34s 341ms SUCCESS
Modify Order Collection Date (4 examples) 3 10:03:07 52s 457ms SUCCESS
Modify Order Collection Time (5 examples) 3 10:03:59 1m 2s SUCCESS
Modify Order Add Tests (1 example) 16 10:05:01 42s 549ms SUCCESS
Modify Order Verification (1 example) 8 10:05:44 10s 610ms SUCCESS
Non Conformity workflow Search Non Conformity report (1 example) 7 10:05:54 17s 877ms SUCCESS
Patient Entry Patient Search (1 example) 19 10:06:12 59s 775ms SUCCESS
Patient Entry Patient Information (1 example) 24 10:07:12 48s 476ms SUCCESS
Patient Entry Overall Page 12 10:08:01 33s 830ms SUCCESS
Patient Entry Verification (1 example) 2 10:08:35 14s 721ms SUCCESS
Patient Report Patient Report With no result yet 4 10:08:49 16s 465ms SUCCESS
Patient Report Patient Report With Partial result reported 6 10:09:06 56s 221ms SUCCESS
Referral Work Flow Register a patient's sample for Covid testing and send the lab request and sample to the Central Health Laboratory (1 example) 39 10:10:02 1m 42s FAILURE
Referral Work Flow Register test requests sent electronically from the Flu Clinic (1 example) 11 10:11:44 11s 245ms SUCCESS
Results Entry Accessing Results Entry (1 example) 10 10:11:55 15s 951ms SUCCESS
Results Entry Searching for test result entry forms (1 example) 13 10:12:11 23s 031ms SUCCESS
Results Entry Results Entry Set-up (1 example) 17 10:12:34 1m SUCCESS
Results Entry Entering Test Results (1 example) 18 10:13:35 17s 388ms SUCCESS
Results Entry Overall Page (1 example) 11 10:13:52 43s 122ms SUCCESS
Results Entry Accept As Is functionality (1 example) 14 10:14:47 14s 904ms SUCCESS
Results Entry Verification (1 example) 2 10:15:02 9s 253ms SUCCESS
Results Entry Changing Results (1 example) 5 10:15:11 11s 834ms SUCCESS
Test Management Feature Validate list items in Test Management menu 5 10:15:23 7s 030ms SUCCESS
Test Management Feature Open Rename Existing Test Names page (2 examples) 13 10:15:30 32s 255ms SUCCESS
Test Management Feature User rejects the testName updates 15 10:16:02 15s 099ms SUCCESS
Test Management Feature User cancels the testName updates 14 10:16:18 15s 304ms SUCCESS
Test Management Feature Add new tests (1 example) 19 10:16:33 20s 593ms SUCCESS
Test Management Feature Verify Added new testName (2 examples) 3 10:16:53 21s 869ms SUCCESS
Test Management Feature Modify test details (2 examples) 21 10:17:15 51s 734ms SUCCESS
User management Feature Create new user (1 example) 10 10:18:07 19s 810ms SUCCESS
Validation Validation (1 example) 33 10:18:27 1m 18s SUCCESS
Validation Overall Page (1 example) 15 10:19:45 18s 471ms SUCCESS
Validation Verification (1 example) 9 10:20:04 15s 270ms SUCCESS
WorkPlan Feature Work plan by Test (1 example) 13 10:20:19 14s 716ms SUCCESS
WorkPlan Feature Work plan by Panel (1 example) 12 10:20:34 10s 910ms SUCCESS
WorkPlan Feature Work plan by Unit (1 example) 12 10:20:45 9s 140ms SUCCESS
WorkPlan Feature Verification (1 example) 9 10:20:54 1m 7s SUCCESS

Manual Tests

No manual tests were recorded
Serenity BDD version 2.5.7