Given User clicks admin menu link
Then User clicks Test Management left menu item link
And User Clicks Add new test link on the test management menu
Then User Enters test name for English "<TestNameEng>" and French "<TestNameFrench>" into the respective text fields
Then From the Unit of Measure dropdown select the appropriate unit "<UnitOfMeasure>"
Then From the Test Section drop down select the appropriate option "<testSection>"
Then From the Panel dropdown select the appropriate option "<panel>"
Then From the Result type dropdown select the appropriate option
Then Under Reporting Test name, click on Copy from Test Name
Then User Enters Reporting test names for English and French into the respective fields if different from Test Name
Then With all of the *required fields completed the Next button becomes active
Then The tick box next to Active is auto-selected
Then The tick box next to Orderable is auto-selected
And User Clicks Next button
Then User selects the Type "<sampleType>" from SampleType dropdown options
Then User selects one more type from SampleType "<anotherSampleType>" dropdown options and testName "<TestNameEng>" should be displayed
Then Select the new Test Name and hold the selection move it to the desired position in the Test display order
And User Clicks on Next button
And User Clicks on Accept button