Openelis Qa Framework Report
Home > Collection Time
Report generated 24-07-2023 10:03

Modify Order

 Modify Order (tag)

Collection Time

Scenario Outline

And User Search by lab number "<labNo>" from previous testing steps on the Modify Oder Page
When User Enters Collection Time "<time>" on the Modify Oder Page
Then Collection Time Field validates "<validation>" the time format


# Lab No Time Validation
1 20231099040004863 XXMM Rejects incorect Format ,non numeric
2 20231099040004863 30:30 Rejects time not existing on the in 12/24 hour clock
3 20231099040004863 12:122 Rejects extra digits
4 20231099040004863 1111 Auto-corrects HHMM format to HH:MM
5 20231099040004863 10:10 Accepts correct Format in HH:MM
Steps Outcome
SUCCESS 12s 540ms
SUCCESS 12s 347ms
SUCCESS 12s 300ms
SUCCESS 12s 296ms
SUCCESS 12s 542ms
SUCCESS 62.16s
Serenity BDD version 2.5.7