Openelis Qa Framework Report
Home > Validation
Report generated 24-07-2023 10:18


 Validate (tag)


Scenario Outline

Given User has an existing order "<existingLabNumber>"
When User Selects Validation --> Routine,from the main menu
Then The Validation by Unit Type "<unitType>" page displays
When User Selects a Unit Type "<unitType>" under which there are known tests
Then Tests display with Lab order Number, Test name, result and result reference
When User Enters an none existing order number "<NoneExistingLabNumber>" ,then message `Accession number not found` appears
Then User Enters an existing order number "<existingLabNumber>" ,Page goes to order number, order is highlighted in yellow
When User Selects Validation --> Routine,from the main menu
And User Selects a Unit Type "<unitType>" under which there are known tests
Then User Check for known non-conformity, Red flag displayed next to test
And Non-conformity Reason note displays with Date and Time stamp
When User Checks `Save all results`
Then All results are checked `Save`
When User Unchecks `Save all results`
Then All results are de-checked `Save`
When User Checks `Save all results` again
And User Unchecks `Save` For selected tests
Then Seleted Save Check boxes are clear
When User Checks `Retest all results`
Then All results are checked `Retest`
When User Unchecks `Retest all results`
Then All results are de-checked `Retest`
When User Checks `Retest all results` again
And User Unchecks `Retest` for selected tests
Then Seleted Retest Check boxes are clear
And Tests cannot be checked both `Save` and `Retest` at the same time
Then User now saves tests with mixture of both `Save` and `Retest`
When User Selects Validation --> Routine,from the main menu
And User Selects a Unit Type "<unitType>" under which there are known tests
And User Enters Validation notes "<notes>"
Then Field accepts validation text "<notes>"
When User Closes Validation note box
Then Validation Note field closes; triangle symbol changes to notepad symbol


# Unit Type Existing Lab Number Notes None Existing Lab Number
1 Molecular Biology 20230000000002109 sample Notes 11111111111111111
Steps Outcome
SUCCESS 1m 18s
SUCCESS 78.11s
Serenity BDD version 2.5.7