When User Selects Results --> Search --> By Order and searches by known Accession Number "<accesionNumber>"
Then Patient information display correctly by Accession Number
When User Select Results --> Search --> By Patient and Pull up lab results for a known patient by LastName "<lastName>" and FirstName "<firstName>"
Then Patient information display correctly by Patient details
When User Select Results --> Enter by Unit from main menu drop-down and Selects a Unit Type "<unitType>" for which there are known tests
Then Only tests without results display
And Notes are visible with time and date stamp
And Lab number with sample extension displays
And Sample Type displays
And Test date defaults to current date
When User Overwrites Test Date "<date>"
Then Field accepts text "<date>"
And Non-conforming samples appear with a red flag symbol
When User Enters known lab number "<accesionNumber>" in Lab no. search field at top right and Clicks search
Then Page goes to correct lab number and order is highlighted in yellow
And User Select Results --> Enter by Unit from main menu drop-down and Selects a Unit Type "<unitType>" for which there are known tests
And Message appears ,Accession number not found, if the format is incorrect or number is not in use