Openelis Qa Framework Report
Home > Add Batch Orders action
Report generated 24-07-2023 09:51

Add Batch Orders Feature

 Add Batch Orders (tag)

Add Batch Orders action

Scenario Outline

Then Configuration adding orders screen appears
And Current date and received date set by default
And Both Current date and Received date are mandatory
When User enters incorrect received date "<invalidDateFormat>", Alert will appear
And User enters Received date in the future
Then Alert appears if the date is in the future
And User enters Date "<invalidDateWithText>" with text then enters correct date "<validDate>" in the received date field
And Sample types are displayed in drop-down list
Then User Clicks on sample type dropdown list options "<sampleType>"
Then Checklists for applicable Panels and Available Tests should appear for the sample type when that sample type is selected
And User checks the box for test or panel


# Sample Type Invalid Date Format Invalid Date With Text Valid Date
1 Serum 24-02/2023 24-02/mm 12/01/2023
Steps Outcome
SUCCESS 23s 460ms
SUCCESS 23.47s
Serenity BDD version 2.5.7