When User Enters data into text fields
Then All text fields accept text
And National ID is mandatory
And Alert is given if Subject Number is already in use
And If subject number is already in use, cannot save
And Alert given if National Identification Number is already in use
And Cannot save if National Identification Number is already in use
And Alert given if Phone Number is not in correct format
When User Selects a Health County from the drop-down list
Then All XX counties are listed and one option can be selected
When User Selects a Health Region from the drop-down list
Then All Health Regions list should be visible
When User Selects a Health District from the drop-down list
Then All Health Districts under the Health Region selected in the previous step should be visible
When User Fills in Date of Birth "<dateOfBirth>"
Then Date of Birth is mandatory
And Alert appears if DOB format "<incorrectDob>" is incorrect
And Alert appears if date of birth is in the future
And Automatically fills correct age when DOB "<dateOfBirth>" is filled in
When User Deletes Date of Birth and enters Age "<age>"
Then If DOB is left blank and Age is filled,Field generates DOB with correct year for Age "<age>"
And Alert appears if Age is -1 , 100 and 100+
When User Selects from drop-down list for gender
Then Gender options are displayed form drop-down list