When User Select Results --> Enter by Unit from main menu drop-down and Selects a Unit Type "<unitType>" for which there are known tests
Then Reference range or value displays under test name
When User Enters type-in result "<value>" for a selected test
Then Type-in result "<convertedValue>" can be entered in the field
Then Result units display correctly
Then Result converts to correct decimal "<convertedValue>"
When User Enters a result "<lowValue>" that is below the normal range
Then Results Field Turn Yellow
When User Enters a result "<highValue>" that is above the normal range
Then Results Field Turn Yellow
When User Clicks on Add Note icon
Then Note field displays
When User Enters text "<notes>" in Note field , then click on the Note Arrow icon
Then Note field collapses, displays Notepad icon
When User selects list result
Then Results can be chosen from the drop-down list
When User Clicks checkbox under Result From Analyzer
Then Uncheck sticks